Sunday, December 4, 2022

Meth essay

Meth essay

meth essay

WebCrystal meth is highly addictive, and has more cons than pros. A terrible side effect of meth is that it causes the user to pick at the skin so much when high, that it causes sores and WebMeth is a white crystalline drug that people take by snorting, smoking, or injections. Some take it by mouth. Meth creates a false sense of happiness and well-being. It also creates WebMethamphetamine is a central nervous system stimulant that is most commonly known as crank, crystal meth, speed or ice and is used as a recreational drug. It is well known to

�� Meth Epidemic - Free Essay, Term Paper Example |

Meth is one of the most common existing psychoactive stimulants, whose abuse can lead to acute or chronic physiological and psychological problems. Medically, the drug is an important remedy to obesity, narcolepsy, and ADHD, although inmost cases most users abuse the drug, because of its pleasant effects, meth essay, for example, increasing of sexual meth essay, alertness, and self-worth. Meth is whitish in colour, with no strong smell, and easily soluble in most solvents, meth essay, for example, water forming a very bitter solution.

The most common methods of its use include snorting the drug through the meth essay, using its solution in injection form, and smoking National Meth essay of Health: NIH, p. The working of Meth depends on its ability to increase the quantity of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for passing of impulses to and from the brain. Other functions of dopamine neurotransmitter in the body include control of motor function, motivation, and control of common processes involved in the releases of pleasure. Because of the pleasure released by dopamine, in most cases users of this drug find it very hard to quit using it hence, leading to many physiological and psychological problems National Institute of Health: NIH, p. Most chronic physiological effects resulting from overuse of Meth result because of its effects on the normal functioning of the brain, because of excessive release of dopamine.

In addition, research finding show that, the drug has adverse effects on the brain sections associated with the control of emotionality and memory. In acute and chronic abuse cases, consumers will feel energised, a condition caused by increased heart rate. The primary acute physiological effects resulting from use of the drug include increased heart rate and blood pressure, muscle weaknesses, chest pains, and abnormal meth essay rates, meth essay. In addition, the drug can cause respiratory depression, increased size of the eye pupils, meth essay, queasiness, and impaired motor coordination.

In addition, in uncontrolled abuse cases, meth essay, most individuals may develop seizures, cardiovascular problems, coma, and in case most overdosed individual do not seek quick medical attention, likelihoods of death are high. The drug also has physical-physiological manifestation symptoms on chronic users. In most prolonged use cases, most individuals will experience some mental strain, caused by insomnia and increased alertness, meth essay. Such extreme alertness levels can make most users to loose control of their lives hence, largely affecting their social life. This is because, most long-term users are very irritable, aggressive, and always like to panic; hence, meth essay, in most cases such users prefer to live in isolation.

In addition, research findings on the psychological effects of the drug on long-term users also show that, there is a close correlation between psychosis and Meth, meth essay, a fact attributed to the ability of the drug meth essay cause paranoia. On the other hand, to chronic users, the drug meth essay cause auditory and visual hallucinations, which can lead to heightened emotionality and obsessive behaviours in individuals. In conclusion, meth is one of the most meth essay drugs, with serious physiological and psychological complications hence, the need for individuals to watch their consumption habits.

Because of the nature of emotional and physical trauma associated with the drug, it is advisable for users to seek early medical and psychological intervention or treatment. Common treatment remedies include cognitive-behavioural and contingence treatment interventions, there being no special medications to treat the addiction. National Institute of Health. Richards, John, Derlet, Robert, and Albertson, Timothy. Toxicity, methamphetamine. Medscape: E-medicine, Winslow, Bradford, Voorhees, Kenton, and Pehl, Katherine. Methamphetamine abuse. Am Farm Physician, 15; 76 8 : Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you?

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Example Of Crystal Meth Essay | WOW Essays

meth essay

WebCrystal meth is highly addictive, and has more cons than pros. A terrible side effect of meth is that it causes the user to pick at the skin so much when high, that it causes sores and WebThe meth epidemic has swept across U.S; this is the epidemic of abusing methamphetamine. It began in Oregon. This is one of the areas where the epidemic WebCrystal meth is a sub-category of amphetamine. Amphetamines are synthetic amines- which are similar Meth the killer drug “Meth is a very strong drug that attacks the central

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